Z is for Zzzzzzzz's (Secondary)

snooze anyone?

In this, our last post on teen resilience, we’re talking all about sleep, the importance of it & how we can help ourselves get deep, relaxing, nourishing sleep

the space between wakefulness & sleep is called the hypnagogic state, during this state we might experience falling off a pavement as we drift off into sleep

sleep deprivation has a major effect on the body, even more than food deprivation

sleep is super-important for regulating our moods, our emotions & keeping our immune system working. Without sleep our brains wouldn’t function properly & our body would slowly grind to a halt. In fact there’s not one part of our body that isn’t benefitted by sleep. So how can sleep help us with our resilience, here’s some simple ways:

1. As teens, we start to feel sleepy late on in the evening, our circadian rhythms follow a different pattern. Combine this with later production of melatonin (our sleep hormone) & most teens turn into night owls. One way to handle this is to develop good sleep habits & evening routines that support relaxation. And it starts with our bedroom space! Take a look, make sure your bedroom is comfortable, a space where you can study & where you can chill, a space that reflects you & is safe, comfortable and relaxed - including your bed! Then take a look at your schedule -how can you prioritise your sleep? There are SO many demands on your time, from work to studying, from socialising to learning new things, see how you can fit as much sleep as you can into your schedule!

2. Take a look at the structure of your days - are you managing to combine enough physical exercise with healthy eating? Are you drinking enough water? What’s your downtime look like? There are loads of ways you can keep track of your fitness regimes, food intake & chill - most apps can do that for you so that it’s one less thing for you to worry about! And if you find yourself lying in bed worrying, how about try this technique - called Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) it can help to create a calming effect on our bodies

3. Finally, if sleep continues to be elusive, see if you can find some music that settles or soothes you, have a go at some yoga or mindful movement & this tried & tested mindfulness practice called a ‘Compassionate Body Scan’ - start by getting into a comfortable position, preferably lying down. Follow your breath in, your breath out. Notice your feet, your legs -any sensations, good or bad, let this part of your body be soft. Notice how this part of your body is so hardworking - keeping us mobile, keeping us moving. Move your focus around your body, bringing your attention to each part, paying gentle attention & remembering to be kind to yourself when your mind wanders. Take time to enjoy noticing what it feels like to lie here - notice your heart, your lungs, all the parts of your amazing body that do such a good job. Finish by placing a hand on your heart & allow yourself to feel the felt sense of this practice, the warmth of your hand, of all the work that your body does. Allow yourself to drift off to sleep if you’re able to

Final Take

2/3rds of a cat’s life is spent asleep, us humans spend 1/3rd of our lives asleep therefore… be more cat! Why not?!?


people said follow your dreams... so I went back to bed!
— someone on the internet...

The not-so-small small print

There is none! Simply return to this part of the website daily to get the next part of this program. No payment or subscription required. This is a resource we are sharing with all of you through the website and aiming to help our youngsters, in the various stages of their lives. This program contains information and practices that are aimed for two different age groups and we intend to mostly post the primary level information in the morning and the secondary level in the afternoon. Please leave us a comment and let us know how you are getting on or get in touch if you require additional support. If you want to be notified of new content, courses and free resources subscribe to our mailing list.