W is for Write (Secondary)
scribbles down mind blowing idea…
We learn ALL the time! Yet, often, we’re not aware of it! When we approach familiar ways of learning - like writing - a little differently, it can help us see things afresh & understand things more deeply. Writing can really help us stay focussed, can remind us how connected we all are & can help us express our feelings.
Here’s some simple ways to use writing to help us stay connected and express our feelings
1. Start something called ‘Free Writing’. With this type of writing, you’ll never know what you might learn! Set a timer on your phone, say 10mins. Starting to write can sometimes be hard so think about using a prompt like ‘right now I’m feeling’ or ‘I’ve always wondered about’. Just write. Don’t worry about spelling or paragraphs! Don’t worry if it makes sense! Just write. Don’t read - don’t judge, don’t think! Just write. When the timer goes, you can put the pen down & read your writing. Writing using this method can help you discover how you’re feeling when even you don’t know how you’re feeling!
2. For one week, write briefly about what happens each day including the things that don’t go too well. Write about how you felt, naming any emotions as you go. Include how your experiences were all part of what happens to us humans & finally, write some words of support to yourself as if you were writing to your own best friend. Notice how you feel once the week is over. If this isn’t your thing or it feels like a chore, fee free to stop but if you’re noticing how it’s easier to be a bit kinder to yourself, please keep going
3. Start writing your own bullet journal & use your imagination and creativity as much as you want! Bullet journals can include anything from lists of things we want to do, to intentions for the day, to our hopes & wishes for the future. They can be colourful, dynamic and a perfect representation of you! You can write about anything you’re grateful for. You can write three things that you’ll do each day to be kind to yourself. You can write a sentence each day that begins ‘right here, right now’...... You can add a photo from your day, let your imagination run wild and use your bullet journal writing to really express yourself
“The road to hell is paved with adverbs”
The not-so-small small print
There is none! Simply return to this part of the website daily to get the next part of this program. No payment or subscription required. This is a resource we are sharing with all of you through the website and aiming to help our youngsters, in the various stages of their lives. This program contains information and practices that are aimed for two different age groups and we intend to mostly post the primary level information in the morning and the secondary level in the afternoon. Please leave us a comment and let us know how you are getting on or get in touch if you require additional support. If you want to be notified of new content, courses and free resources subscribe to our mailing list.
Z is for Zzzzzz’s. Summer Resilience Program Final Entry (Secondary) with thanks to Karen Bluth, to the Sleep Foundation & the Greater Good Science Centre at UCLA Berkeley Youth for their ‘zzzzz’ advice & to Education Scotland for their inspiration for this programme x