X if for X-Ray (Secondary)
Doctor Doctor, please…
Sometimes having X-Ray vision is NOT about seeing our bones but IS about seeing inside our bodies & our minds whist also seeing external situations as they actually are. And seeing things as they really are includes seeing the little moments all around us that we can bring our focus to, paying attention to the good in people & situations, taking a fresh perspective and seeing things with fresh eyes, almost as if we’re seeing them for the first time. And when we do this, we unhook our storytelling mind, turn away from thinking things are right or wrong & begin to really enjoy the moment. Turns out, along the way, we grow our resilience too, here’s how:
1. Try this simple exercise each day if you can - it’s called ‘seeing the good’, bringing our focus to all the small stuff that happens each and every day. Not only does this help us use a different lens to see things with, it also gives us a warm uplifting feeling along the way. Some ideas include:
* let someone do some thing nice for you - remind yourself that they CHOSE to be nice to you
* spend time with your pets, watch them play, cuddle them - remind yourself of their energy & their wonder
* listen with your full attention when your pal tells your their good news - really feel their happiness!
* pay attention to all the good qualities you see in other people - their kindness, their courage, their determination to keep going - feel inspired by what you see!
2. Develop a mantra of ‘take the good with the bad’. This doesn’t mean that you ignore when things are difficult, it just means that you are also able to recognise that there are both good & bad things in life. So the next time you spill your cuppa, get told off by your teacher for handing in work late, forget something important - remind yourself that you’re just having a bad day. It happens to all of us, at some time or another. One difficult day does not mean that things will always be difficult. If we’re able to take the good days with the bad days, if we’re able to savour the good and allow it to lift our mood, we can still see the bad but not be overwhelmed by it. Repeat the phrase ‘take the good with the bad’ often and whenever you need it!
3. Finally, be awe-struck! Before you dismiss this as weird or silly, bear with us! It turns out that letting ourselves be awestruck - challenges the way we see things, reminds us how connected we are with the world. So, the next time you see a beautiful sunset, listen to a lovely piece of music, take in the view from a mountain or a lovely beach or hear someone inspirational speak, take a moment, see it with fresh eyes & broaden your horizon so that you take in the big picture. When we change the way we see the world around us, all the other ‘stuff’ becomes just that little bit smaller & a bit less overwhelming.
Final Take
Yes, life can be challenging and sometimes inspiration can be hard to find, but, on days like these, cut through the difficulties & let in the ‘awe’
“An X-ray is a quick and painless procedure commonly used to produce images of the inside of the body.”
The not-so-small small print
There is none! Simply return to this part of the website daily to get the next part of this program. No payment or subscription required. This is a resource we are sharing with all of you through the website and aiming to help our youngsters, in the various stages of their lives. This program contains information and practices that are aimed for two different age groups and we intend to mostly post the primary level information in the morning and the secondary level in the afternoon. Please leave us a comment and let us know how you are getting on or get in touch if you require additional support. If you want to be notified of new content, courses and free resources subscribe to our mailing list.
Z is for Zzzzzz’s. Summer Resilience Program Final Entry (Secondary) with thanks to Karen Bluth, to the Sleep Foundation & the Greater Good Science Centre at UCLA Berkeley Youth for their ‘zzzzz’ advice & to Education Scotland for their inspiration for this programme x