F is for Fun (Primary)

The science bit!

if we can stay open & aware of what’s going on all around, we can keep an open mind to what’s happening.

Find your flow

We bet you’re amazing at having fun! When we choose fun, we’re also choosing happiness. We can grow our happiness just like we grow plants or flowers in our gardens. When we focus on the things that make us happy, the activities that are fun, this is like watering the garden of our mind & literally growing our own happiness

It’s normal during these changing times to focus more on the bad things that are happening & not necessarily to remember that there’s fun stuff too. So take a moment and here’s some great ways to find our fun:


Fun things to practice

1. Pause, take a moment and pop your favourite, silly music on - the sillier the better! Ours is Happy by Pharrell Williams!

Notice how it makes you feel when you listen, when you dance around! How does your body feel? Is something happening to your mouth, to your face, perhaps you can’t stop yourself from smiling!

2. Take a piece of paper & draw/write ALL the things recently that have made you happy, that have been really fun, perhaps with family, friends, or just yourself! See how many things you do that are fun! How about do 1 thing from your fun list every day

3. Think of a special time that you’re really looking forward to that’s coming up soon. What is it & what’s going to be fun? Mark this date on the calendar & notice how it makes you feel to really look forward to something! Remember to have fun while you’re waiting for this date to come around too

The not-so-small small print

There is none! Simply return to this part of the website daily to get the next part of the practice.. No payment or subscription required. This is a resource we are sharing with all of you through the website and aiming to help our youngsters, in the various stages of their lives. This program contains information and practices that are aimed for two different age groups and we intend to mostly post the primary level information in the morning and the secondary level in the afternoon. Please leave us a comment and let us know how you are getting on or get in touch if you require additional support.