Mindful Mondays #1 - Bubble Breathing

Bubble Breathing

In our first practice, we start with one of our foundation mindfulness practices with children and young people - Bubble Breathing.

Breathe in….

then, equally as important, breathe out

When to use

This super simple practice is really helpful for when we want to focus, be strong and feel a little calmer and more settled. In this practice, we imagine, as we breathe in, that we’re creating a bubble all around us.

Inside this imaginary bubble, we can choose to feel strong, to be focussed, to be aware of our breathing. Our bubble is our own safe space, going from the tips of our toes to the top of our head. Inside our bubble it might not be peaceful, it might not be quiet, but we can choose to settle, to focus despite this. As you practice Bubble Breathing notice and retain what’s going on inside your bubble.

How to practice

As we continue to practice we stay in our own space, our own bubble, if we get too close to someone else’s bubble, it might pop! When we breathe in, our bubble expands. When we breathe out, our bubble gets smaller. We’re in charge of our bubble our body and our breathing. At the end of our practice, we let our bubbles fade away, knowing that that they’re there whenever we need them, they’re just a breath away.

Bubble Breathing is a super simple yet really helpful practice to remind us to stop, to pause, to breathe. After you’ve read this text you can practice this at your own pace and your own space for as long as you want. Remember that this is a safe and suitable for all practice that you can use to help you focus and feel a little calmer.

Let us know how you get on the comments below and see you next Monday!