Sarah Gear

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Q is for Question (Primary)

why? why? why?

Asking questions is a big part of developing our resilience!

Sometimes there’s more questions than answers &, although that can make us feel wobbly and a bit uncertain, that’s ok! Sometimes it’s more important to ask the question than to know the answer. And the even greater news is that our amazing brains LOVE to ask questions & there are three really important questions we can ask ourselves

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Fun things to practice

1. How am I feeling? What am I thinking? Our thoughts and our feelings are very closely linked, they’re like best buddies! What we think, we feel & what we feel, we think. How about play the thinking game - one person thinks, the other person asks questions, like what’s your favourite food or what do you love to do or what makes you sad? Thoughts and feelings come and go all the time and it can be really helpful to notice this. Name your thoughts. Name your feelings. Once you know what you’re dealing with, then you can do something about it

2. How does my body feel? What is it telling me? Our bodies chat to us ALL the time! They send us messages - we’re full, we’re hot, we’re hungry, we’re sore. Sometimes we notice these messages and other times we’re too busy, we might ignore them. Take a moment and play the Out of your head and Into your body game! Lie down. Pause and notice what’s going on in your body. Is it restless? Is it tired? Pay close attention to your body, all the way from tips of your toes to the top of your head & back down again! Listen to your body at least three times a day if you can - it often tells us when we’ve reached our limits & need to rest!

3. What do I need right now? Sometimes just noticing what we’re thinking and how we feeling isn’t enough! We need to actually DO something to help ourselves feel better. So how about take a piece of paper and draw all the things that you absolutely love doing! Think of this as your LOVE list! Include the people that help you too! Include the food you love to eat! Include the sports or hobbies that you have! And when you’re noticing that you’re feeling worried or feeling sad, you can choose one thing off your LOVE list to do

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The not-so-small small print

There is none! Simply return to this part of the website daily to get the next part of the practice.. No payment or subscription required. This is a resource we are sharing with all of you through the website and aiming to help our youngsters, in the various stages of their lives. This program contains information and practices that are aimed for two different age groups and we intend to mostly post the primary level information in the morning and the secondary level in the afternoon. Please leave us a comment and let us know how you are getting on or get in touch if you require additional support.

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